2022 Christmas Extravaganza
Date and Time
Saturday Dec 10, 2022
12:00 PM - 3:00 PM CST
Set up 10am
Event will open to the public at 12 noon and will end at 3pm
Once you're set up you must stay until the end of the event for the safety of guests.
Anna Middle School - Powell Pkwy
Everyone other than vendors are free and it is free to the public.
Non-Selling Member Vendors --- $25
Selling Members --- $50 (includes $25 Itinerant Permit for City of Anna)
Selling Non-Member -- $75 (includes $25 Itinerant Permit for City of Anna)+
Contact Information
Angie Toles
Send Email

Due to impending inclement weather, Santa and all vendors will be inside Anna Middle School in the cafeteria.