2023 Santa's Village Vendor Market
Date and Time
Saturday Dec 9, 2023
11:00 AM - 5:00 PM CST
Set up 9am
Event will open to the public at 11am and will end at 5pm after the parade has finished.
Once you're set up you must stay until the end of the event for the safety of guests.
Slayter Creek Park
425 W. Rosamond Pkwy
Anna, TX
Everyone other than vendors are free and it is free to the public.
Non-Selling Member Vendors --- $50
Selling Members --- $75 (includes $25 Itinerant Permit for City of Anna)
Non-Selling Non-Members ---$75
Selling Non-Member -- $125(includes $25 Itinerant Permit for City of Anna)+
Contact Information
Angie Toles
Send Email

Santa's Village Vendor Market is a partnership with the City of Anna. The City will have their 12 days of Christmas activities inside the village. The Chamber will offer 40 vendors the opportunity to sell their goods to residents. Residents will be greeted by 2 Giant Snowmen blowing snow, take wonderful pictures inside the life size snow globe and so much more. We will be setting up at Slayter Creek Park ( behind the AHS Football Field) on Rosamond.